I love doing photoshoots of Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah parties because their guests have so much fun celebrating the coming of age of Jewish boys (Bar mitzvah) and Jewish girls (Bat Mitzvah). A Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah ceremony signals the time when a Jewish boy or Jewih girl becomes an adult. They now have to take responsiblity for their own actions and can decide for themselves how they would like to practice Judaism. These ceremonies mark their transition into adulthood.
I myself love to party well when the occasion calls for it. But, I have to say, few people can party as well and joyously as the Jewish and have good clean fun while at it. It is a family and friends get-together of note – everybody, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, friends all get together to celebrate.
This specific Bar Mitzvah celebration was held at Zip Zap Circus and no expense was spared making the guests feel welcome and have a good time. The theme of this Bar Mitzvah party was ‘Star Wars’. Special props were built to resemble the Star Wars Space Ship experience. Everybody dressed up and joined in the fun. I started doing the photoshoot at 18h00 and the party lasted till about 11h. Being a themed party, it was fun photographing all the props as well as the Acrobatic perfomance put up by the Zip Zap Circus instructors. Zip Zap is actually a Circus academy where one can learn to perform Circus acts. There was even a Racing Arcade for the youngsters to entertain themselves which gave me much scope for my photography skills.
Usually I do the photoshoot at the Sabbath Dinner the evening before, that is the Friday from sundown, around 18h00 until late in the evening. This includes a joyous celebratory meal with family, friends and members of the community. The Bar Mitzvah boy usually delivers a learned oration at the table, guests offer him gifts and the Rabbi blesses him. But this time around I only photographed the actual party on the Saturday night. I wouldn’t mind doing Bar mitzvah’s every week because of all the fun and games!